Located in the Renaissance district of Bar-le-Due, a "Town of Artistic, Architectural and Historic Interest, the delightful museum (Musee barrois) is built in the late 15'h century for Rene II of Anjou.
The Archaeology section houses collections come mainly from Na ix-aux-forges (known as Nasium in the ancient world, a major Leuci settlement) and Bar-le-Due.
The art gallery contains an extensive collection of Lorraine sculptures dating from the 14th to 17th centuries. Other sculptures in the museum include one by Rodin and another by Ipoustequy. Among the drawings held by the museum are some by Boucher and one of the three sketches by Camille Claudel preserved in museums worldwide.
The Ethnography section is designed to show lifestyles in non-western societies, represent the everyday lives of people in Africa, Oceania and the Far East.
The vast esplanade in front of the castle was laid out in 1794 when the collegiate church was demolished, opening up some breathtaking views of the lower town, the Gilles de Treves College and the remains of the castle's fortifications (large Romanesque gate).
Esplanade du Chateau Rue Francois de Guise 55000 BAR-LE·DUC
Tel..+ 33 (0)3 29 76 14 67
Allow 90 mins for a visit on your own
Text: Practical guide - CDT Comité Départemental du Tourisme de la Meuse