Musée d'Art Sacré et Bibliothèque bénédictine. Housed in the south wing of the old Benedictine abbey, which is also home to the 18'h-century Benedictine library, this museum aims to highlight religious art in Meuse through pieces on loan from towns and villages as well as Meuse itself.
They include gold and silver plate (chalices, crucifixes ... ), sculptures and popular devotional objects (wax tableaux, reliquaries ... ). One of the rooms in the museum is used for temporary exhibitions.
Bibllotheque benedlctlne (Benedictine library) Completed circa 1775, the Benedictine library has almost 8,800 works including 77 manuscripts, 86 very old books and a number of carefully preserved rare editions, the oldest dating from the 9th century.
This exceptional collection can be seen in various themed exhibitions in the ornately decorated antechamber and in the main room.
Rue du Palais de Justice
55300 Saint Mihiel
Information : Tourist Office (same building)
tel : - 33 (0) 329 89 06 47